GOOD GUIDE - Hire Catalogue

Sunday, March 18, 2012

diy decor

We have been hinting for weeks that our NEW! Hire Catalogue will be released and finally I am happy to say that you can check it out here. (Unfortunately, our website is still have a hiccup with our flip book, but all of the goodness will soon be available to look at on our website too). 
Ceramic Cake Stands
Small R30 for hire
Medium R40 for hire
Large R50 for hire

This Hire Catalogue showcases the products that we have to offer for hire - albeit in a slightly "quirky" manner. We thought it would be a bit fun to take the idea of DIY decor literally. All of the photos were taken by the brilliant Vanessa Lewis and luckily for me she has lots of experience in styling too!

Silver Tiered Stands
One tier R20 for hire
Two tier R40 for hire
Three tier R60 for hire

All of the goods can be hired here, or you can pop into our shop any Monday to Saturday from 9 to 5pm and come and have a look at our two hire rooms. Filled to the rafters with lots and lots of things that you can hire at a fraction of the price.

White Ceramic Platters
R20 for hire


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