Saturday, October 10, 2009

coming home

One of our suppliers is Rosanna inc. and if you have never heard of this company before, then you are in for something special! Rosanna quite simply makes the most beautiful crockery I have ever seen (and that is saying a lot!) - adored the world over and now available in our shop!

You can then imagine my excitement when I saw that she has joined our facebook group – so why not join the party as well and you will get great exclusive benefits!

What’s more I am always checking out her website and I see she has written a book! Oh sweet joy! The only problem is I have to wait till March 2010 to get my hands on a copy! Well, I will just have to distract myself with her blog in the meantime… but be sure we will have a copy in the IN GOOD LIBRARY as soon as possible.

Here is a book brief as per her blog:

“Coming Home is the book I've wanted to write ever since my mother passed away ten years ago. In it, I talk about the values she taught me. I use these lessons every day in designing tableware and making a beautiful life for my own family. I'm grateful and gratified that I had the opportunity to put it all down in words and express some of the things that are most important to me in this special way.

Tradition, ritual, community, and beauty. The cornerstones of this book are the same ones Rosanna has always promoted as a company. The only difference here was that the book format provided me with a palette of creative expression very different from the tools I use when I design tableware. Sometimes the prospect of writing an entire book felt daunting, but the experience was always exciting. In these pages, you'll find some of my favorite recipes that I cook myself, tips on how to beautify your home in aesthetic and emotional ways, and a few peeks into my own family's rituals, traditions, and travels. I've written Coming Home as a seasonal guide in the hopes that organizing the book this way will help readers recognize how simple it can be to live well all year round. Keep your eye out for more updates here and on I hope you're as excited as I am!”


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