GOOD PLAN - Owl Party Menu

Monday, April 20, 2015

owl treats

For Zara's Owl Party and any sleepover I would totally recommend making or ordering in pizza. Everyone LOVES pizza and it is easy to serve and reheat later on should hunger strike later on. For the table I bought some owl fabric and then set the table with the Patchwork Owl paper plates, cups and napkins. For the centrepiece, I found some ceramic owls at the local garden centre. (On a side note: I spray painted these black for my Halloween table and am keen to use them for a future Harry Potter too).

In addition to pizza, I set up a MIDNIGHT SNACKS buffet with marshmallows, gummi bears, mini twix, mini mars bars and chocolate lollipops in shapes of owls and some cupcakes I made using this little cupcake kit. The cupcakes I made did not rise that high, so I actually ended up unwrapping a cupcake and placing it on top of another one with icing in between - the double cupcakes looked pretty cool! I then just added in a wooden 8 in the centre of the cake stand (Typo sell similar) and that was the birthday cake for the party. The little wooden 8 now lives in Zara's bedroom and it is pretty cool (plus I can use it again when Bailey turns 8).



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