GOOD PLAN - Make Your Own Lemonade Stand

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

lemonade folks!

Inspired by a recent “fake” lemonade  and bake sale fair stand we did, here is a GOOD PLAN for you to set up a real Lemonade Stand.


LEMONADE Garland or Poster (download our free poster here)
Fold up table or crate(s)

Paper Cups or Glasses

Jug or Dispenser to put the lemonade in

Paper Straws (optional)

The Perfect Lemonade (recipe to follow)

Change - be sure to put your money jar or till in a safe place.



Get your parents okay. Maybe your dad or brother or friend can help?

Set up your stand and put up your banner where people can read it.
You don’t want to be under or over priced. So charge for example R5 for 1 cup and R20 for 5.

Vary your products! Instead of just plain lemonade, offer pink lemonade, too. Maybe purchase or bake a couple of cupcakes, cookies or snacks and display on platters.


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