GOOD LOOKS - NYE Party Invitation

Saturday, December 29, 2012

NYE 2013

So last night I started planning for my New Years Eve party, never mind that it is only a few days away, I was able to come up with two themes, and I finalised the first one today and will get going on the second tomorrow. 

First up is the "grown up theme" which is all about Champagne, Chocolates and Chimney Sweeps. Chimney sweeps? Yes! In Germany (and therefore also in the German region of Switzerland) chimney sweeps are associated with New Year and good luck, and so the few NYE goodies that are on sale most likely feature these little men in black.

Here is the invitation that I made on my PC. I typed it up in Word, so nothing special - but I have uploaded the pdf. file here, should you wish to use it too. The idea is to print the details onto thin paper and fold up as small as you can and insert into a deflated balloon. This is then pinned onto the other part of the card, and guests will then blow up the balloon, and pop with the pin and the details will spill out!

Stay tuned for the decoration ideas!


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