GOOD PLAN - Alice in Wonderland

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

story time

The great thing about planning a party based on a book, is that for kids you can already tick off one activity on your "games list". Kids LOVE story time, and a good idea is to huddle the little ones together and plan on reading just for ten minutes or so either an excerpt from the book or an abridged version. This sets the tone for the party games, and helps the kiddies who may not be familiar with the story to know what is going on.
* Bonus points if the reader dresses the part!

For an idea for adult occasion, it is also a good idea to take famous quotations, print and pop these in frames and lace these around the party venue. Join us tomorrow when we share more party game and activity ideas for an Alice in Wonderland party...

Alice in Wonderland Series
The Cake


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