UP TO GOOD - Behind the Scenes

Monday, April 25, 2011

the great big easter hunt

Yesterday afternoon, the Easter Bunny was spotted in the field alongside our apartment, so the girls were quick to grab their baskets and go hunting! 

Afterwards, besides eating a lot of chocolate, we also enjoyed one of Switzerland's Easter baked specialities: Osterfladen. It is hard to explain what it is, a bit like "melktart" but not as sweet and it has raisins in it.

I can't believe Easter is nearly over for the year, it felt like yesterday that I put up our wreath. Fortunately, it looks quite springy so I can keep it up a lit bit longer. The nice thing about Switzerland is everyone loves decorating for all of the holidays, even the area by our post boxes hints at the season. I hope you had a blessed weekend too!


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