egg decorating
So my little girls have been up to all sorts of Eastery things - today they made Easter baskets at school - all to be revealed at the end of the week when they break up for the Easter holidays. It seems here in Switzerland there are all sorts of holidays - like a random two weeks in February called "Ski Week". I am not complaining at all - it is just that sometimes it is hard to keep a 4 year old and 2 year old entertained!
Fortunately, I found in Woolies (when I was in SA during the Ski Week) these great little Easter Egg Decorating Kits. They are great as everything is included in the pack (okay except the eggs!) but I just bought a pack of those white chocolate eggs (no ways was I giving my girls the real thing!) and then they were kept very busy stenciling, sticking and colouring in! Oh - and eating them too!
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