GOOD ON PAPER - Fathers Day Poster

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


I am still deciding what theme I will do for our Fathers Day lunch on the 21st. The thing is as we are all "girls" in the family, this is the one time during the year I get to do a "boy" themed party without taking the party too seriously. In the past I have done a Superhero theme so I am kind of torn between doing something similar again (largely because of this poster below that I had made) or I thought I could go for a Science theme (still dying to throw this type of party). And then I realised I could actually do both together along Big Bang Theory lines... and after all Liam does LOVE the show. So I think that is what I will do unless of course something helps inspires me - but in the meantime I thought you can use this poster for a card or framed picture for Dad's Day Off.

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Batman Poster


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