GOOD PLAN - Dala Horse Party Invite

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

horsing around

For Bailey' s Pony Party, I added a bit of a Swedish twist by having the horse being a Dala Horse. And then instead of the most likely colours of a horse party being pinks and browns, I opted for bright red and green and added in pink - all inspired by Meri Meri's Dala Horse stationery line.

The perfect venue happened to be just in the next town to us: a farm that specialises in kids horse riding and not only was the "decor" taken care of, so too were the activities (more about that later). 

So now that the date, time, place and design for the invitation were all decided, I was able to get Amanda our graphic designer the go ahead - and this is the invitation she came up with! 

My favourite party being the RSVP details: totally cracks me up!

The Pony Party Series


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