GOOD LOOKS - Valentine's Day DIY Garland

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

paper cut garland

I had a big empty backdrop by my Valentine's Day buffet, and to be honest I just didn't have the energy to tape up a "wallpaper" backdrop. So instead I decided to cut out freehand a big letter garland. And I have to say not only does it fill the space so well, but it really only took a few minutes and cost very little as I already had the red paper on hand.

Red Paper (1A4 made two letters - so I used 7 pieces).
Washi Tape (it's better than sticky tape as it is easy to remove off the wall without taking the paint with it!).
Red Ribbon (I used about 4 m)
Wooden Pegs (some letters take 1, and some take two, I used 18).

1. Cut each A4 page in half. Then free hand cut out block letters to spell out your key phrase.
2. Cut the ribbon into 2m lengths and tape the ends down, so you have two strings one above the other.
3. Peg the letters to the ribbon. TIP: start from the middle out, that way you will have the wording centered form the get go.

Red Paper (not sure what you would pay as i already had this on hand - but I shouldn't think more than R10).
Washi Tape (R35, but really you should have this anyway as it is so useful and you only use a little bit, so I am going to only count like a R2 here).
Red Ribbon (4m x R6 = R24) - For a cheaper version one could use string/twine.
Wooden Pegs (R35 for 10, so say two packs R63). One could use your normal clothes pegs albeit bigger.
So total cost: R99.

What a bargain - especially as the pegs are totally reusable (more ideas on them later this week).

p.s. I like this angle as it looks very Rob Ryan-ish. Imagine hanging these overhead, and creating rows and rows of words...


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