GOOD LOOKS - Carnival Party

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Here in Switzerland it is Fasnacht or Karnaval time, or you may know it as Mardigras. It is BIG! And has very similar elements to the Brazilian Carnival and then also many of its own little nuances. 

None the less the key elements are all the same:
- It is a party over many days! Here where we are in Zug, it all started on "Dirty Thursday" and ends on Ash Wednesday - but the Basel Karnaval only starts then! So, it pretty much can go on for weeks if you do a bit of travelling.

- Everything is brightly coloured, the more colours the better!

- Everyone dresses up in amazing costumes - and it is pretty incredible to see groups of people all dressed the same.

- There is music, and countless bands parade the streets.
- Everywhere there is confetti - and I mean everywhere! You can buy it in the bucket loads at the supermarket and you are free to throw it wherever you like. The streets are laden with it.

 - And of course, it is a great excuse to throw a party! Check out our Carnival Party goodies here.


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