GOD LOOKS - Diner En Blanc Save the Date

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

save the date

Excited about throwing your own Dinner in White after reading all about how it began over 25 years ago in Paris? The first thing you need to know about this Parisian tradition is that there are few key elements: it is a gathering at a secret location with the sole purpose of sharing a high-quality meal with good friends at the heart of one of your city's most beautiful locations. In order to participate, one must be invited and once confirmed, the presence of each guest becomes mandatory. Following on, annually prior year guests will be able to extend the invitation to their friends and so organically grow the event to be a highlight of the calendar year.

In our case, three of us got together and each became a team leader. We then extended the invitation to five other couples. Then next year, we hope that all of our guests will become team leaders and extend the invitation to five couples. It is exciting because even though this time it was 36 people; next year could be 180!

Deciding on who will come is pretty easy, the hard part was deciding on a date. After much going back and forth we opted for a Saturday evening after the school holidays, so a last hurrah before the summer ended. Therefore, in South Africa you may wish to do the same - so probably just before or just after the Easter break. Alternatively, it makes for a great Spring or Mid-Summer party. For 2015, I am keen to plan it in and around the Swedish Midsommar celebrations June 20th - and then keep it that way going forward - that way everyone has it scheduled in their calendars every year.

TOP TIP: Whatever date you decide, help your guests attend by sending out a Save The Date at least 4 to 6 weeks before the event. This is especially important as you will see later in the blog series, your guests have a lot to do than just rock up!


Kelly B said...

How do I get an editable version of this image? Thanks

Kelly B said...

How do I get an editable version of this image? Thanks

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