There was no escaping it, my girls love the Disney Movie Frozen. I have yet to watch the whole film, I keep seeing the same parts over and over again - but I sure do enjoy Zara's and Bailey's re-enacting some of the scenes. With this in mind, I thought it would be a fun challenge to do a Frozen Party but within a tight budget and in a short space of time. I hope you enjoy it!
Naturally the movie is the source of all the inspiration, but I also tried to keep the focus on the main colours (blue, pink and pops of purple) and the season (snow, forest, snowflakes).
This was easy as Amanda had found some free clip art a while back to create an invitation for a customer, so all one has to do is either print and pen in the party details, or import the artwork into Word and insert some text.
Luckily for me, our dining room's wallpaper instantly creates a Winter Forest, so all I added was the Chevron Divine Bunting over the table. As the colours of this new collection are pink, blue and grey - it really suits the Frozen theme, but I do think adding a bit of purple with the satin bow ties to the bunting completes the Frozen colour palette. I also added in some of our paper snowflakes to the garland by pegging these on with our mini heart wooden pegs.
One could easily just leave a wooden table bare - as it suits the theme, but as all of the craft activities were going to happen on the table too, I thought it best to cover the table. Paper tablecloths are really hard to find (trust me; our customers are always asking for them and very few companies make them). But I have to say I had the idea of using some metallic snowflake wrapping paper I found at the supermarket - and one roll covered the whole table! And I spotted the idea of using sheepskins for the chairs/benches at a Frozen party here in Switzerland - cute hey!
For part of the table, I used our real wooden sled and then added in some fake mini Christmas trees I found at IKEA and some white vases I have around the house with fake little snowdrop flowers. Then I spotted this idea of Pinterest, where you place the little Bullyland figurines of the Frozen Characters into glass bell jars or vases filled with fake snow scatter. Such a easy but effective idea to immediately make the party table Frozen themed!
Here the new Chevron Divine Party Collection worked well: there are matching paper cups, paper straws, paper plates, napkins and even ice cream treat tubs (essential for my foodie plans!).
Join us tomorrow for Part 2 which includes the party menu, fun and favours.
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