GOODIES - Gift Ideas for Our Mom

Monday, April 22, 2013

idea no. 2

I am sharing my Mother's Day ideas for the next few weeks, largely because I am taking all the guesswork out for my sister and brother. Still waiting for my sister's thoughts on Idea 1, but here is Idea 2.

My Mom recently tiled her kitchen floor, and the kitchen looks completely different with the oversized white tiles. But as her kitchen is sometimes a bit of a train station (with all us "kids" going in and out) I thought a great addition would be one of these fun and funky doormats for the courtyard door. That way we can try and not put too much dirt all over the floor! So now to decide which one?

Coir Doormats
R320 each


Christine Laidlaw said...

Great idea! The recipe book is a winner!

Christine Laidlaw said...

Great idea! The recipe book is a winner!

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