Sunday, May 4, 2014

GOODIES - Mothers Day Gifts no. 7

greengate does glass

This season Greengate has made the prettiest glass pieces and in soft pastel tones. Their gift boxed set of two glass bowls either in pink or blue makes the perfect Mothers Day gift! I bought my own set for "Mothers Day" - a gift to me, from me! And I used them below for a pot luck dinner my friend Donna hosted where everyone gets to bring a course for the dinner party. It is such a great way of entertaining: 

Invite 6 friends over and split the menu; and everyone brings a course to serve 6 people.
1 Starters (Carolyn whipped up the best soup ever - I am not a huge soup lover but the blended roasted veggies were amazing!).
2 Salad (Jen couldn't make it, so Donna made a fancy green salad complete with carrot ribbons)
3 Main Course (Donna made red pesto chicken - "lush" as she would say).
4 Dessert (I cheated and bought my cupcakes and macaroons)
5 Cheese Board (Leonette put on a whole spread of different cheeses and fruit - decorated with little food picks)
6 Drinks (Rebecca did cool cocktails!)

It is a nice way of showing off your culinary skills without having to worry about the whole menu, and you get to share your favourite recipes.

Greengate Glass

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